When an 8th grade student at Sheridan Junior High School was asked what she thought of Dave’s recent classroom performance she excitedly replied,
I could see the characters inside the songs that he sang. He really helped me to learn a history lesson with music!
Dave’s a natural teacher.
He was a highly awarded professional educator for part of his life, receiving the Jack Elbogen Award for Meritorious Teaching, the Toyota Tapestry Grant for innovative methodology, several University of Wyoming grants that he used to place his students into natural resource stakeholder positions, as well as a Wyoming Department of Education grant that supported him in creating a Freshman Academy Transition Program that he used to develop a novel approach at reaching at risk students.
Dave now focuses his communication skills on connecting with audiences, whether they be large or small, young or old, rural or urban.
In educational settings he believes that inviting students in to a subject, rather than merely telling them about it, motivates them and changes the way in which they think. His live shows capitalize on his talents as a songwriter, storyteller, and educator as he shows students how to learn from the inside out. Using learning modules that he creates, he narratively and musically encapsulates concepts, bringing them to life in a way that captivates students. As they become an intrinsic part of the subject they are studying, he helps students develop stories, lyrics, and songs that connect them to their learning.
Imagine using a history lesson as a subject for a songwriting workshop and you will have an idea of Dave’s effectiveness in the educational arena.
Some of the themes he teaches include “Western Expansion: Where the Story Meets The Song”, “Inside the Civil War”, and “High Profile Figures of the West”.
Subjects that he helps students write songs about are virtually limitless.

You will soon find Dave’s one of a kind educational songs available through his interactive online courses.
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