I guess there comes a time in everyone’s life when they need to get away from everyone so they can see themselves a little better. Looking back on it, I may have carried that to kind of an extreme when I was wintering out one year up in the Gila Wilderness of south western New Mexico. I had my horse, my fiddle and my dog but damned little else. When it came Christmas I knew I needed to make a visit to somebody so I saddled up and took a long ride down to a cabin where my nearest neighbors lived. The presence of a silent piano, a little sip of whiskey, the smell of baked ham, and the noise of little kids running around that one room cabin did me a whole lot of good. What made a memory that’s lasted me these 40 years though was later on when I was lying in my bedroll watching the wood stove shadows and flames flicker on the walls around me. Silently, Elizabeth came out in the dark and played me a Mozart concerto on that little piano. Those notes are still running through me…….
This song means a lot to me. Might be my favorite